Be Informed!
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To Fundación Dibujando un Mañana A.C., respect to privacy and the right to informative self-determination are extremely important. Its data is highly valuable for us.
In compliance with the Federal Data Protection in the Hands of Individuals Federal Law and in order to guarantee the protection and privacy of personal data, and also to regulate access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to its management, based on article 16 of the Constitution; 1, 2 and 15 of the Federal Law on Personal Data in the Hands of Individuals and its Regulation, “FUNDACIÓN DIBUJANDO UN MAÑANA, A.C.”; establishes the following:
PRIVACY NOTICE Fundación Dibujando un Mañana with address in Calzada de la Naranja no. 138, Fraccionamiento Industrial Alce Blanco, Naucalpan, Estado de México, C.P. 53370, is the party responsible for the personal data provided to us, which is protected pursuant to the Protection of Personal Data in the Hands of Individuals Law and other applicable regulations.
What personal data do we collect and for what purpose? If the user authorizes it when recording it, the contact data provided will be used to send information related to Fundación Dibujando un Mañana (such as publications and bulletins). It he / she does not wish the data to be used for that purpose, when register, this shall be stated.
For the purposes mentioned herein above, the following personal data shall be requested: name, last name, email. We inform that no sensitive personal data shall be collected.
Where can I exercise my ARCO rights? You may exercise your access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of your personal data rights (ARCO rights) by sending us a mail to the datos.personales@dibujando.org.mx account
Transfer of personal data: We inform you that no personal data transfers shall be made, except for those that are necessary to comply with information requested by competent authorities, that are well founded and motivated.
Amendments to the Privacy Notice The person Responsible reserves the right to make, at any point in time, modifications or update this Privacy Notice, and these shall be notified to the email that you gave us.