Joint Communication of Fundación MAPFRE México & Fundación Dibujando un Mañana

Donation of material for the protection of medical staff at the Valle de Bravo General Hospital.
In responding to the emergency caused by the COVID-19 generated Pandemia, Fundación MAPFRE México, in Alliance with Fundación Dibujando un Mañana, donated protection material to the medical staff at the Valle de Bravo General Hospital.
This health institution, in the Valle de Bravo Municipality, State of Mexico, has 44 accounted for beds and a team of 55 doctors and 162 nurses, are to be of help to more than 64 thousand local inhabitants, a significant number of floating population and this is a reference hospital for 9 conurbated municipalities.
Fundación MAPFRE México donated the acquisition of 2,640 KN95 masks and 5,280 personal protection kits (made by doctor gown, trousers, cap, shoe covers, pleated three layer mouth covering, thermosealing), to be used for a two month period during the contingency.
The collaboration of Fundación Dibujando un Mañana that has more than 20 years of experience in linking and creating multi-actor networks, as well as in advising high-impact social investments in national territory, will ensure the efficient use of all of these items in coordination with the hospital’s management areas.
More than ever, we recognize, today, that the cure is solidarity, and that it does not recognize borders when its task is reaching a common goal for those on the front line, dealing with an unprecedented disease.